Hosted by UC Berkeley in partnership with Caltrans Division of Aeronautics and Division of Research, Innovation, and System Information.
The Future of Aviation Conference facilitated a lively dialogue among public-sector organizations, private companies, non-governmental organizations, and educational institutions. In addition, this conference provided a venue to network with colleagues and friends who are also passionate about the future of advanced air mobility policy and research. Prof. Raja Sengupta held the Public Sector Perspectives on Advance Air Mobility(AAM) session. The panel featured public sector perspectives on planning and implementing AAM. Public sector thought leaders discussed institutional readiness, opportunities and obstacles, emerging practices, and considerations to help public agencies integrate AAM in their communities.

Prof.Mark Hansen held the session: Region Air Mobility: Opportunities and Challenges for Rural Communities for Rural Communities and Small Airports. The session explored the use of AAM for intraregional use cases of up to a few hundred miles that occur within or between urban and rural areas, including: • What is regional air mobility; • Potential impacts, opportunities, and challenges of regional air mobility; • Planning considerations and infrastructure needs to prepare rural communities and small airports for regional air mobility; • Considerations for small airports and rural communities working with other key stakeholders, such as aircraft manufacturers and service providers.