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- Bio: Bo Zou is a Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois Chicago. His research interests are in the broad areas of transportation, aviation, logistics, and infrastructure management especially in connection with emerging technologies such as vehicle automation, shared mobility, crowdsourced logistics, platooning, and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) by developing, adapting, and applying a variety of analytical models and tools from machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, operations research, statistics, and economics fields. His research has received support from the World Bank, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the US Department of Transportation (USDOT), the Department of Energy (DOE), NASA, the California and Illinois Departments of Transportation, and the Chicago Department of Aviation, among other government agencies and not-for-profit organizations. Dr. Zou’s research has appeared in over 70 peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, book chapters, and research reports. He has served many editorial roles for top and mainstream transportation related journals including Transportation Research Parts B/C/E, Transport Policy, Transportation Letters, Transportation Research Record, INFORMS Service Science, and Frontiers in Future Transportation. He has served on the standing committees of Transportation Research Board (TRB)’s Aviation Economics and Forecasting (AV040) and Transportation Network Modeling (AEP40) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. He is the reviewer coordinator for TRB’s Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (AT015) committee. He is also an associate member of the ASCE Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) Artificial Intelligence committee. Dr. Zou obtained his PhD in Civil Engineering with focus on transportation systems engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.
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