Xuan Jiang

  • Bio: Xuan Jiang is Ph.D. Candidate in the Transportation Engineering Program, Civil & Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley. He holds a Transportation Master of Science from UC Berkeley. His research spans micro-mobility, agent-based simulation, aviation networks, and parallel computation. He serves as a Young Member of the standing committee on aviation safety, security, and emergency management (AV090) of the Transportation Research Board: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. His work regarding “the Resilience of the US Domestic Aviation Network” win Joseph M Sussman’s 2021 Best Paper Prize. He also works as a Graduate Student Researcher in LBNL developing the agent-based simulator BEAM.
  • Contact Information: xuanjiang@berkeley.edu

Students Mentoring:


  1. Yuhan Tang (MIT)
  2. Jiaying Li (CMU)
  3. Luze Sun (UPenn)
  4. Yibo Zhao (Microsoft)
  5. Jieying Zhang (Duke University)


  1. Junzhe Cao (ETH Zürich)
  2. Jiaying Yang (Tongji University)
  3. Aditya Mohan
  4. Jerry Liang